Yup ... it's time for confessions to be put out there to the world. I'm addicted - yes, you heard me right. I'm addicted ... to learning new things. I cannot resist signing up for classes. I'm always on the search for a new product, a new technique, a new way of thinking about things, a new perspective. I love the challenge AND I like to think it keeps me young. At least it sounds good :)
I try to have a measure of discipline at this internet smorgasboard of art classes, workshops, and youtube tutorials. I start of each January (acutally during the week after Christmas) making a list of upcoming classes and telling myself to choose one or two of my favorites or must takes. I make the dreaded resolutions to limit myself and keep my expectations realistic. After all there are only 24 hours 7 days a week in which I can devote to making art! And then all of my good intentions seems to vanish in thin air with rationalizations and excuses.
- WOW! such a great buy at the special discounted early-bird sign-up price.
- But she's my favorite teacher!
- Oh, I've always wanted to know more about how to do that technique or process.
- I just got to see her new spin on this topic.
- I love her art/style ... must take the class and learn how to ...
... and the list of all the reasons how I get myself in class overload goes on and on ... but enough of my carrying on about my problem. Let's just get to the good stuff.
I'm so excited about two new classes I've signed up for and they are with my two favorite teachers.
Class number one: The first one I'd like to tell you about is a new workshop being offered by Tangie Baxter. She has us exploring and doing some deep digging as we work toward creating vision boards. I've done a few vision/dream boards and some wish casting (ala Jamie Riddler) in the past, but Tangie is offering a very thoughtful reflective approach to the process in this class. Some real soul-searching and refining happening with Tangie encouraging me all along the way.
Tangie's classes are always well organized and packed with content ... paper as well as video instruction. AND she has a wonderful new classroom making it easy to share your work and connect with fellow classmates. You can learn more about Tangie's vision board workshop here. It's called UP COURSE NO. 1 CREATING YOUR FUTURE THROUGH VISION BOARDS and the best part ... it's still on sale!
Class number two: ARTS AND LETTERING IN MOTION with Joanne Sharpe. She has a great introductory video explaining all about the class on her website. The class starts on July 21st but she's already pushing and prodding us with pre-class fun lettering challenges on her facebook page.
I have always had a love affair with type, print, and fonts. I took Joanne's first class on lettering and bought her book which I find so helpful. Don't you think it is good to step away from the computer screen and how-to videos taking time to be still and just study the printed page for inspiration and direction. No need to push pause on that one.
I took a lettering classes early in the year with Hope Wallace Karney called To the Letter. I love her journal/lettering style. It is so distinctive. I decided that I needed to have a moleskine journal dedicated to my lettering practice. I fill the pages with favorite quotes and doodling ideas. I practice my lettering with nearly everything I write. I think I have the fanciest grocery lists in town, but after a while the strokes and the different fonts become more natural and easily executed.
I'd love to hear about your favorites in the class line-up because you know,
I'm always on the lookout for a new class or workshop to add to the list.
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